By Fozzels Team

Step into the New Era of e-commerce with Fozzels

We have brought together years of our experience in e-commerce and the latest technologies to create our AI-based ChatGPT-solution for two popular platforms – Magento and Shopify, that optimize operational processes and lead your business to success.

What benefits does your online business receive from AI?

Build unified brand identity

Your brand’s voice deserves to be consistently strong across every product. AI ensures that every piece of content adheres to your brand’s tone, style, and message, creating a cohesive and reliable image that resonates with your customers.

Guide customers

Create descriptions that guide customers towards informed choices in a few clicks. Our AI solution generates detailed, accurate, and comprehensive product descriptions that enhance the user experience, ultimately driving more purchases.

Effortlessly expand your catalog

Fozzels easily scales alongside your growth, generating quality content for new products without ever compromising on the level of detail and persuasion that goes into each description.

Rule the search rankings

Mastering search engine results with your hidden AI advantage. By dissecting keyword trends and tailoring SEO titles and descriptions, AI ensures your products shine in search results, driving organic traffic straight to your virtual storefront.

Achieve more in less time

You won’t just generate content with AI-tool; you’ll conserve the most precious resources — time, effort, and manpower. Deploy these resources strategically while AI handles content creation with efficiency and accuracy.

Keep staying relevant

Product details change, but Fozzels AI adapts swiftly. As your products evolve, AI-generated content can be updated seamlessly, ensuring your customers always receive accurate, up-to-date information.


Maximize your productivity by automatically generating compelling descriptions and metadata for your online store pages. Focus on growing your business while Fozzels takes care of your content needs

  • Generate content for product and category pages
  • Add metadata to product, category and CMS pages
  • Create content for multiple products with one Flow
  • Generate content with HTML (such as H2 headings, bullet points, etc.)
  • Produce content in any language

Revolutionize your content creation with the help of AI

Fozzels is a middleware solution that enables store owners effortlessly generate and import crucial web store content. The software offers multiple approaches to creating compelling texts. It allows you to experiment with custom requests (prompts) or rely entirely on AI, specifying the criteria on which the data should be generated, using the attributes from your Magento store.

so: streamline your content creation process, and propel sales with captivating product descriptions. Effortlessly create SEO titles and descriptions for products and collections that boost your online visibility. Generate compelling blog posts to drive more organic traffic to your site.

Save time, optimize your marketing efforts, and leave a lasting impression on your audience, all powered by the GPT-4 model.

  • Generate descriptions based on product info, attributes or or keywords
  • Customize text by setting its tone, length, temperature, etc.
  • Add AI-generated SEO titles and descriptions for products and collections
  • Generate descriptions and SEO texts for multiple products in bulk

Get started.

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