Hi, we have released version 2.13 of Fozzels.com for you today, with some nice improvements.
Here’s the changelog:
- New feature: Prompt templates! You can now load and save prompts you created for a flow, and load these in for new prompts. This can save you some valueable time. You can find the buttons to do this on the top-right of the Prompt screen.

- New feature: you can now create a Fozzels account (with two clicks) and log in using your Microsoft 365 account.

- We have fixed an issue where sometimes the text would be shown larger (using html markup), on the Batch overview / preview page.
- We have made the display of the batch list clearer; you can now view the product details when you “expand” one product in the list.
- We have fixed the search box on the “attributes list” on the Integration page.
- We made a change to the signup flow. New users can now create a Fozzels account faster, without having to choose a subscription from the start.
- We fixed an issue where new users were not automatically logged in after creating a new Fozzels account using their e-mail address.
Load & save prompt templates feature

You can expect more and more new featues in our next releases in the coming months.
Thank you for choosing our platform. We’re excited about the progress we’ve made, and we look forward to continuing to support your success.
The Fozzels.com team